WHOOOOOOOOO j a few more days t exams :DDDDD
Yet, i ve not studied alot yet. Not say never study lah, but i still left alot. &what i mean is, ALOT. But th happy thing is, tdy 10more pages of Agriculture then i can finally move on t th other chapters of Geog! [: Then i also finishd Remainder &Factor Theorum(?) during lessons! :D WOOOOOOOOO. At least i kinda understand more of Amath already(: Had a test for Emath tdy like it s th Endyears paperone a few years back mm. Not say very difficult but i gave up on th area &vol of blah topic th a/b = (a/b)2 thing lollll like totally. I ve no idea how t do at all. &haha th variations question i used th primary sch method t do cos i dont know how t do Variation. Z neh mind uhh, lucky not exam. I want t finish Amath tdy also! :D Oh &i want t finish Bio &SS tmr LOLLLLL i know it s kinda not possible cos i read only 2chaps of Bio &only Venice for SS. Neh mind MUG! (:
Whoooooo tdy was kinda fast first 3periods past very quickly:D No english whoooooooooooo. Chem &Math were quite lame uhh. Anyway th class s like superrrrrr noisy uhh &alot of people cannot take it. Like talkg non-stop when th teacher s talkg(prolly cos th teacher s new &like he wont do anything) blah so th talkgs never stop so alot of people got freakin' pissed. Then Bio &Chinese &Sel past very fast also. After school HAHAHAHAH i dont wanna elaborate[:
Fought alot of times in school tdy omgz. Haha no lah, not fight lah hehhh. Just, kickg &slapping calista since she was doing th same thing t me -.-
Hahh &anyway Dinah was tellg me she saw ChangHong(?) on tvmobile th other day &i didnt beliv lolll. &turns out that day i watchd th 'it s showtime' show &he was one of th mainactor in his grp(is it call grp?) &he got th best actor award? Hehh like he s th one that acts as th girl in a pink dress loll. At first i was like which gay is that when i didnt even know it was him until i saw th name hahaha i was laughing non-stop &i went t tell my mum &she started laughing also cos she said she watchd that episode &she didnt even notice it s him. Zomgz right. Hahaaaa so much potential lmao.
2A chalet during th holidays &i think there s also gonna be 3B chalet!!! :D YAYYYYYYY, happy! :D
I'm happy too cos i put th princess hour song that i like as my blog song HEHHHHHH [:
Anyway i want t change this friggin' layout im so sick of it! :( AHHHHHH can someone change a layout for me/help me design one. There s also popups according t people AHHHHHHH so HAVE t change layoutttttttttt. Pleeeeeease if you ve th talent whutsoever help me make i'll prolly use it cos i think this layout use very long alrd!!! Like, take this chance t showcase your talents? Hehhhhhhhh lolllll i'll probably love you alot:D
Study mannnnnnnnnnnnn, be COOOOOL :D
Yo. Updated yesterday w a friggin longggggg post yest but i think my comp kena virus, sooooo boom, i clickd publish post then ERROR blahblah appeard on th stupid screen. So heh, all gone -.- But anyway yesterday s post was mostly on how i know my comp kena virus blah. Nd how should i upload my pics/music cos i cant access any internet pages. Then like finally, after sortg my pics into diff folders(kill time z) i can access so i send as attachments t my email then now like each mail got over 100 attachments? Lol . Then after i send most of th pics, my norman antivirus workd nd killed some of th virus then can access most of th pages alrd. Haha so waste my time right! Then wantd t like, buy blank discs tdy t save my pics nd music as backup. Cos i really cannot afford t lose like any of my pics nd music! Both re equally important heh.
Anyway i studied ard 5 chaps of Amaths alrd! :D Kk im like kinda satisfied[:
School tdy was sup t be longg but then it was okay cos we had th boring periods as th first three periods. Then cos i was super hungry so i was mainly focusg on th growlg of my stomach i cant be botherd t listen nd throughout chinese i was talkg t shen abt magicians of love:D Heh superr fun. Before that was maths nd th tcher gave out demerit forms then i think she s alrd superr angry w me z. After recess was English which was talkg t maria abt magicians of love again! :D Then bio had this relief teacher who s superr cute heh so me nd rebecca were like observg her throughout loll. SS was lame but then somehow i like th topic venice(?)! cos it s kinda, better then th other topics yeah.
Heh whatever exams re like startg in a zooooooooooooom, so must study :D But still, i cannot sit down nd study w/out gg t take a drink, go walk ard th house, look outta window, eat, open th comp/tv awhile blah.
Nvm imma start heh :D
toys r'us new crownbelt :D
my lovely niece! :D :D :D :D :D
farewell full band pic! [:
heh anyway while checkg out th emails i found one friggin cool one which feature damn cool usb plugs :D Omgz it was totallaye cooooool oggay!
freak cooooooolio right! :D
Anyway i think i need t start studyg. Got back termly report on Thurs nd my results were fkg screwed up omgz. 25 for L1R5, nd i got an F9 for my Geography :( Ahh omgz la like i said. 3 geog tests this term nd i faild al three. But omgz F9? Omgz. Nd i dont ve a single B, bt i ve plenty of Cs. However, i ve 2 A2s, namely chem nd chinese, which i can be proud of [: Nvm im gonna work harder! It s th studyg season nd so it s time for me t mug!
183Club - GanQingXian (omgz freak nice! magicians of love :D)
A1 - Like A Rose
Five For Fighting - Superman
PCD - Sway
Cascada - Piece Of Heaven
Go listen! :D
I ll post th rest tmr kk[: Anyway i ve finishd watchg Magicians Of Love omgz fkg nice! :D Yayy i ll tell you more tmr hehhehhhhhh! I'm gna watch tv now buaiz!