Ahah All hail th high nd mighty percs! :D
Anyway im quite happy but then now i ve t complete my english assignment! Heh or th stupid ass will make me stand outside th damn classroom.
Goodbye, my Lover [:
alot alot of durians! :D
oh nd i bought one small wugui that day nd hung it on my wallet! [:
If things could stay this way.
But then, sadly, i have no money!!! :(
hoho any kind soul wanna buy me one? [: th crumpler s super nice!!!!!
Anyway, th Band Badge is th in thingo now!!! :D everybody s wearg it! if you re not, that means you re out!!! :DDDDD
i got damn bored so i startd disturbg benhui by singing her chinese nd english oldiessssss, nd then she said i was ancient nd that i changd my genre of songs. :( ok l o l. then i was tryg t disturb shumin by singing her tears in heaven, tryg t reach every single high notes [: then i think i was disturbg jan throughout(maybe i meant everyday) cos i kept on talkg nd singing nd talkg nd singing. r o f l super funny canz.
Lloyd Banks - Till The End
aww it s like super nice i think im like weird r o f l [:
although, i dont really support them but i prefer them t france!!! :D i switchd t them since,
england, my favourite team, is OUT :(
we have al th hot guys in team england!!! but whut happend? everyone screwd nd then they got out. shizzzzz. nvm at least team italy won! [: my mum was so cute when i reachd home just now she was like eh you very clever leh, predict italy win really win, so smart! :D hoho i tell you th eurocup that time i also predictd portugal win k! [: smart right! anyway, this world cup s super rough! first was th portugal nd some funny country s game, that s the most rough one k! r o f l. then was th one where england got out. i still cannot get over th fact that Rooney went t push Ronaldo nd step on yeah haha[: so th other team got a penalty kick(shit man) so, it indirectly leads to,
Beckham nd Lampard gone. :(
sad right? i tell you Lampard s super super cute okay!
okay then, it s yesterday s game, or rather, just now. hoho i wonder why Zidane go headbutt Materazzi? nvm lar at least like that Italy can win [: so, Zidane left his career with a red card, since he said he d quit after th game. He kinda lost his temper like how Rooney did. I wonder whut th other party says before th match. nd anyway, beckham s leaving too. And that, is friggin saddening, at least t me.
So, World Cup 2006 ended with Italy as champion. [:
Band was kinda boring tdy but then whatever la, cos it s mainly concentratg on th secones so, yeah :D
off t watch th ten o clock show byebye! :D