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fourth june 91





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two-a o'five


















jia hui
jia xin
jie si
jie ting
jing yi
jun han


kah hui
koh shing


lee peng
li ming
lin yu


mei yan
meng jit
mian mian
min hui
min min




pei qian
phay key


qin qin
qiu ting




see mui
shi yun
shu han
shu min
si hong
sock ling
soon hui


ting ting




wei sheng
wei siong
wei theng
wei ting
wen jia


xin zi
xiu hui


ya qi
yan lin
ying qian
ying min
ying si
ying ying
ying zhi
yi yee
yong quan
yu jie
yun leng


zhe yi
zi yun


trent! (:

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March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007

Monday, February 27, 2006

i wasnt present at the sec3 meeting that day, so maybe im not in any position to talk at all. but, so many of them had told me what happened, and i couldnt pretend i dont know anything, at all.

if you guys havent left us out, there wouldnt be so many people who got fed up over these stuffs.

first the secfours talk about involvement, and then everybody started saying we must be united and stuff. and not long after the talk, and i really mean like only a few days later, not even a week, the sec3 comm planned the farewell without us. i mean, hey, is that what you really call involvement? i read people's blog, after the talk and many was like we must listen to the sec4s and stay united. but then now they had already planned the farewell and we have no right to voice anything at all. so you call that united, yea? i thought we would be more united after the welcome party, but no, we aint. the people in band changed, so much. we are no longer united, no matter how hard we try. there are some peopple who already changed, alot. i see no point in continueing the whole farewell stuff. its not gna be a secthree thing anymore. its gonna be a sec3 comm thing instead. so ya, why not just let them plan everything since we donot even have the slightest bit of say? they'r so wrong to say we are too emo. and when so many people got fedup and cried, the comm started crying too. and now it seems that we are in the wrong. you are the ones who started that and so, stop crying and stuff. you all could've got us involved in the first place. apologising doesnt help, cos this further proves that we are no longer united as we are. or, have we ever been united at all? many people fell out with each other because of this issue, and some even refused to come for band. i mean, yea, although we are not in comm, is it right to plan everything on your own without telling us at all? insensitivity.

i could've stayed on for the next meeting yesterday after band and listened to what the comm have to say if not for my high fever shooting like hell. 39.1 and i off-ed the thermometer cos i could not bear to see how much higher it can go.

got 13/20 for maths, 21.5/25 for bio and 17/25 for ss. at least i improved.

11:10 PM

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

alright i want to post(:

yesterday was reallyreally gooood(:

cos jan didnt come, lmao joking(: i was sooooo lonely when she wasnt next to me! nah, jk. shawn kept doing his funnaye stunts in class and i had benhui and jacintha to entertain me throughout. i was laughing my head off throughout and we kept trying to call jan, who obviously hungup the call ohmy. and during maths, shawn suggested to bet on how much we get, and then i should have bet with a lot of people come to think of it now. i was so very confident of failing the subject. even failing the fail mark(e.g. 4/1o, the idea of passing the failing mark to me is 5/10). like i mentioned in the previous post, although i very much want to do well, i know i got the whole of last sum which cost me half the papers' marks wrong. and i aint confident getting the others correct at all. and so i decide to bet with shawn and he was like "ten cents" and i was like "nah,twenty". then he said "fifty" and i was like "onebuck". then he sort of freaked out and agreed on twentycents. i knew from the beginning i would win unless he really gets his 14/20. cos i bet i flunk it without stating an exact number lmao. and then he lost., he got more than 14 =X okay i got seven. at least its higher than what i had expected, something like uhm, four. and then the teacher mentioned like we did not do well in the test and craps. and seems like there's more to join next week's maths tutorial!(: hurhur. took chem test which actually seems pretty easy to me, like, just memorise the chemical formulas and stuff, so i think i did the paper quite well la. at least i think i wouldnt fail.

chem is goooood(: cos im confident of this test wheeeeee oh yeah(:

and then there's still ss. i want to do well.

i missed school today, cos of my eye infection and stuff. i went to the doctors' yesterday and i was like sorta coughing slightly and he asked whether i had cough and flu and i was like yea. and then he gave me loads of cough syrup(not one, but two bottles, and im talking about the big kinds) and lozenges which was like of no use. then i was like can i have an MC and he was like, for tomorrow only? and i was like, stunned. am i that sick and stuff and i need more than a day's MC? lollol, he's such a funnaye doctor. but yea maybe he's a bit out of his mind cos im like his last patient. i reached the clinic like just one minute before it closes la. haha all thanks to my running mother, who ran all the way from my home there with me to ensure we reached there in time. my stupid dad isnt home yet, and we refused to take the bus(apparently cos there's no bus). and then we went to walk around and then i went home to do maths =X i know its kinda unbelievable, but like, yea. im supposed to have amaths test today la.

so, i didnt take the amaths test. hope it wasnt all that difficult la. and maybe they took back the bio papers, so, grrr. but at least i managed to sleep for as long as i want. okay so im having a retest =X

im sooo looking forward to class teee, and bonding camp(: haha 3B's reallyreally fun and nice, and i bet most of us are looking forward to the bonding camp haha. and we'r wearing our classtees! ohyeahohyeah wheeeeeee! haha guess it'll be reallyreally fun. and i realise 2a hasnt been all that bonded we all used to think. i hadnt been like really looking forward to stuffs we did as a class, like, the shanghai trip. the class was separated cos there are people going beijing instead of shanghai. and people like me, who didnt go. if there was a bonding camp, i doubt i would like be really looking forward to it. like, the guys in 2a were like quiet, and they dont mix around. and im not talking about benedict and yongsheng, but the other quieter guys. they dont even mix with the other guys la, from what it seems like. and now, some of us rarely talk. i mean, yea, i just went home with steph faus yingqian jol yest, and im still like crapping with lp and minhui and deborah, and we still eat together as a class during recess, but whats the use right. i mean, there's still some people who changed and i dont know why. i dont know what im saying but still, yea. i mean, im not like saying we must keep sticking to the past, instead of looking forward. but i think its just like its not really bonded and all. and the 2A ______ in march, so many werent invited la, so lets not even talk about not going. okay but im still glad like people still come to my class and talk and stuff and when some see each other we'd still talk non-stop, and the nine or ten 2a people in my class didnt change(:

tomorrow im going to the home(if im not wrong) so omfg im gonna miss band shit. i missed sectionals today(apparently, cos i werent even in school) already, and one more time i never go, i'd forget what im playing and hell. band is getting funner! the secones really left me a reallyreally gooood impression(: and now i know the secfours understand how we feel and we understand how they feel, so going band is even funner! ohyeah, so i wna go band tmr! ah whatever, its sooo impossible. i want to play lovestory and phantom and casanova(?)! they'r all soooo nice! (:

haha beloved cousin, you'r 16 already!(: haha being your cousin is really fun, and i still remember when we were younger we'd have sleepover at grandma's and cook eggs and noodles in the middle of the night hahaha. okay then we'd talk like non-stop and only sleep at like 4a.m. okay its still nice talking to you now! so, happy birthday!

alright im so bored i want to study maths again now. amaths is really goood. it makes me want to study cos i dont understand anything(:

like i already said, i really want to do well, very well.

11:50 PM

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

alright im posting! (:

L-O-V-E ! lian-ai-i-n-g, happy-i-n-g(:

haha today was reallyreally goooood.

the first two periods were free periods, which were soooo goood! haha heard that like a pathetic number of twelve(?) teachers got food-poisoned. so fortunately(?) two of them, up till now, was my teachers. so we missed their lessons like yesterday and today, and i heard they wont be back for like a week. oh great right, i know you are jealous.

and then we had chinese, so slack boohoo, and maths and blahblah. its really gooood, like yea. and we had this really funny relief teachers goodness, they do nothing. walk around the class, but really does nothing. some were playing cards and some were like listening music and whatever craps.

and we missed bio and now i have loads of time to complete my nutrition mindmap which was due today if i want to(:

haha whee happy 15th my beloved date! heh jiayoujiayou okayokay LOL(: andand going home with you is always sooo nice, and sooo full of laughter lol! we'd laugh our whole trip home! and we have really nicenice juniors this year too! wheee percussion rocks heh(:

happy 15th anngi! 2A was sooo fun alrights? but we are all getting used to our new classes already! andand i saw you just now! wheee okay whatever(: happy birthday!

okayokay back to all my points, i had lit test on mon and i might/might not flunk it. well obviously i hope not. but im quite sure i'd fail maths, cos i cant do the last question, which cost me like 10marks. and the paper is over twenty. so if you can do maths, twenty minus ten(20-10) = 10. and im NOT confident i'd get all the 10 marks, really. and the SS we had like weeks before, i may fail too. i got the points all mixed up. so now i must mug for tmr's chem and thurday's emath. and then get really good results for all tests coming up so i can get back my marks(: i really really want to do well.

and did i mention last saturday was ahband's welcome party, and then the games were quite organised but not after that. after the dinner, we were in different cliques, or rather, too many(according to the seniors) different cliques, playing our own games. and then we had secthree debrief and everybody started getting emo and stuff cos the topfive joined us and were like saying we were damned disorganised and stuff. and things like we must cooperate. YES I THINK WE MUST COOPERATE(: and we voiced out our opinions about band and stuff, and that even more started getting emo and started crying. okay i did when i voiced out about them being biased against percussion. omg i actually couldnt finish my sentence and i was crying non-stop already. whatever, at least we understood them and they understood us. and i lovelovelove the secones. they are damn friendly and stuff. haha esp perc junior! (: it was really fun other than the debriefing part.

okayokay i want to study chem and amaths now. i want to do well,

i really want to do well(:

1:36 AM

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


haha although it's a bit late, but its still valentine's day to me okay!:D

haha yesterday was gooood, today was goooood too(:

yesterday was supposed to be busy, but it didnt turn out right. haha no la, it just wasnt as busy as i expected it to be. i woke up at 6 yesterday. like omg right? then i prepared all the presents and stuffed them all into my bag =X haha not all, only those for my school friends. and SORRY TO ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO GAVE ME STUFF BUT I DIDNT GAVE YOU! SORRY I WAS SO UNPREPARED! ):

THANKS FOR ALL THE ROSES AND FLOWERS AND CHOCOLATES AND BEAR AND BALLOON AND CARDS AND EVERYTHING! omg, i know im getting fatter eating those chocs but whatever, live life to the fullest(: the real/fake/balloon flowers are all nice, and i had a difficult time bringing the stuffs back home. and then i got home ard fourplus and then after piano i went to meet bro! haha he gave me some chocs and said that's all, so that's it. when i decided to go home he pooped a bear out of nowhere!(: haha bro you'r sooo nice. i love all of you sooo much okay! (: whether did you give me present or not.

school was good too, cos everybody was exchanging/giving out presents during first/second recess and before/after school wheeee(: and i managed all the sums in maths remedial ard 15-20 mins and i thought i could'v left early cos i wanted to meet my friends but the bimbotic teacher ask me to do more and she was like i was too fast. then she gave me ard 7 more sums and then i did it agn before the thing ends, she have no choice but to let me go cos it has to end anyway.

my bimbotic niece came yesterday too, and she disturbed me throughout. she talks alot, and she's only three. she kept talking and asking bimbotically, but like yea. then she left when i reached home after meeting up with bro, ooh how sad.

today was goood too(: i received a few more belated valentine's present and i was happy! school was fine, i was sleeping during mahts and shanshan kept shouting. boo. and the achievement of the day: I DID NOT BREAK ANYTHING DURING CHEM PRACTICAL! (: wheeee. hurhur, and guess what. i completed all the experiments without failing. boohoo i know you are sad. and we had some kind of fire drill stuff to celebrate(?) totaldefence(or isit racialharmony? =X)day. the worst thing was, there were food rationing and two people shared one pathetic packet of dried mutton noodles. it wasnt exactly dried, but its like, yea. then went kfc with jan and deborah, its finger-lickin' good! (: haha i took more time to finish my shrooms burger+cheesefries+coke than jan and her 2-piece chicky+coke+whippedpotato+salad. lol. cos the shrooms are getting more and more disgusting. kfc's making burger the way MOSburger does. the way the gravy(or whatever that is) drips drips drips.

okay now i need to study for tmr's biology, and the day after's emaths. i seriously hope and want to pass biology with flying colors, that's the only thing i can score i believe.


2:37 AM

Thursday, February 09, 2006

okayyyyy i will post(:

cos i think today was goooood!

first we had chinese in school, and haha did i tell you, tingxie was sooo friggin fun! we kept getting to talk during tingxie and we just turn ard and ask if we dont know how to write and even if the teacher saw he wouldnt say anything hahaha(: he's damn lame okayy. and today during chinese we had presentation wheeee, and then we were supposed to do the workbk. but then HAHAHA the whole class havent buy yet la, cos we kept dragging and we were supposed to buy like three wks ago alrd. so chinese is fun okay.

then we had chem. lab lesson. and who's the loser of the day? HOCHONGNING. cos i broke a test-tube! okay i wonder how i did that, but the whole thing dropped while i was heating and TADA! okay and i didnt succeed in the experiments okay, im really really bad at practicals. thank goodness there's no more SPA =X

and im a bloody lousy chem rep, cos i do not collect worksheets hahaha(:

then we had english! was supposed to be at the com lab, but then the teacher changed her mind so we have to walk all the way back to the classroom. oh and did i say, we are back on the fourth floor, which is soooo bad and there's this damn piece of wall at the front. i found that totallaye irritating. okay then english is the slackiest lesson ever, so we get to shout at each other and then laugh and then blahblahblah. and we were translating songs to hokkien, which were like soooo funny.

and then double period maths. it didnt seem as long. we did sums as usual, and i finished the weekend homework. i love inequalities! they'r the easiest chapter of the bk i think.

at the end of the day we had bio, i was veryvery sleepy during maths but then after second recess i was high and then i was laughing non-stop. bio lesson was fun, cos i told you i liked bio, and then i kept laughing cos of all the jokes. YO MAMA(: hahaha and bio was soooo fast omg, we go through the practical wksht and then it was over(:

and then i went to have lunch with jan, shumin and amanda at tampKFC. and then i saw PEIQIAN and SHIYUN at tm! hahaha i think shawnlee's sooo cute!

3B's getting more and more bonded! (: wheeeeeeeee. aft class everybody was listening to shawn's english-translated-hokkien song, and all were laughing like hell, and the YOMAMA(: 3B's really gooooood wheeeee, and oh i didnt say, after maths lesson when Mrs C said 'thankyou class', the whole class was like 'thankyou mrschuah' and everybody was sitting down. not a single soul were standing up okay(: oh and class-tee! wheeee(:

so i think today was very gooooood =D

2:32 AM